From Tragedy to Triumph: Empowering our Identity through Imam Hussain a.s. This topic explores the different elements of the mission of Imam Hussain a.s. 10 day lecture series delivered at...
4 lecture Series delivered in Atlanta, GA Safar 1432 - January 2011 Subtopics include: Tawba, Wilayat, Imam Zamana, Awliya of Shaitaan, Zainab s.a.
Majalis recited for the First Ashra of Muharram 1432/2010. Lectures delivered at Zainabia Islamic Education Center of Atlanta, GA
Community Conference held in Atlanta, GA on May 30th 2010
Lecture series given at Zainabia Center Atlanta for the Martyrdom of Imam Zainul Abideen. Muharram 1431, January 2010
open faith forum to discuss the message of imam hussain
the lessons we take from imam hussain and his mission in karbala
comparative analysis of the mission os imam hussan vs the mission of imam mahd atfs
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